The Zaeem-DRP (Z-DRP) faction today announced that it has officially commenced its work as a separate branch of the main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP).
Formed amidst an ongoing dispute between serving DRP leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali and his predecessor and former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the Z-DRP aims to represent the former national leader and his supporters.
DRP MP Ahmed Mahouf told Minivan News today that the Z-DRP faction has now formed a council and a committee to officially organise and coordinate the work of the faction.
“Last night, our first meeting was held and it was chaired by Azima Shukoor,” Mahlouf said. “In the meeting, we decided to set up our own office.”
Mahlouf said that during the meeting, the group’s members raised concerns that DRP Leader Thasmeen had disconnected the phone lines of island-based party offices and that the Z-DRP faction was unable to have contact with them.
DRP MPs, including Thasmeen and Deputy Leader Ibrahim Shareef, were unavailable for comment about these claims when contacted by Minivan News at the time of going to press.
“The committee we formed consists of Umar Naseer, MP Ilham Ahmed, myself, [Gayoom’s daughter] Yumna Maumoon, Azima Shukoor and Dr Saud” said Mahlouf.
Mahlouf also said that Thasmeen was accusing the Z-DRP faction of promoting the People’s Alliance (PA) party leader and half-brother of the former president, Yamin Abdul Abdul Gayoom as its candidate in the next presidential elections.
‘It’s all false accusations, we have decided to elect a person as presidential candidate only after going to a primary,” he said. “It could be anyone.”
He claimed that out of the 40,000 registered members belonging to the DRP, 30,000 were in support of the Z-DRP faction.

This is such a stupid thing. Reminds me of rebellious groups of a nation. The rebels create civil war in a country. These guys are creating a war within the party. No different from the works of the LTTE of Sri Lanka or that of the Basque separatists. No?
This is perfect. Now that Thasneem will know where does he stand infront of the Maldivians without the support of Qayyoom. Qayyoom has the right to form his own party and I am glad he did it. He might be a dictator, but he still is the best out of the worst who can still govern in this country.
Rocket. You learn the history before quoting others like LTTE. Find out what made peace loving educated young boys to take arms. Do you have this problem in your country?
Think before you write
Utter idiocy!!!
I have heard people say Gayyoom is hungry for power; that he wants to return back as the president. But I did not know that he is this desperate.
This is beyond stupid now! How can one party have another party within? Two councils? Two leaders? And what the hell is Z-DRP? Zoo DRP?
Some one said , Maumoon is in India , at a Spa. He will have no problems in the swimming pool with his marvellous underwater eyesight because of his Golhaa eyes
The name appropriately starts with ZZzzz that makes you want to go to sleep.
As a divided party, DRP cannot create a buzz.. and would likely to like in a coma.
Can everyone feel the hush now? No one in their right mind would support the MDP in any upcoming election.
We need a strong opposition to administer the State. One of these factions, parties or associations needs to regain public confidence.
The MDP is now a thing of the past. So we need to organize behind the leaders of tomorrow. One or more of these parties need to show some mettle. It remains to be seen whether this "Z-DRP" is the frontrunner. Surely, Azima Shakoor is more than capable. However, the rest of this "council" seems to consist of loyalists and mindless yes-men.
i tell you what you donno. anni is making a plan to arrest gayoom, yameen and qasim and this idea is backed by thasmeen. Anni and Thasmeen is same ppl, whom both fathers or family imported guns to kills gayyoom. Anni already proposed thasmeen to join hands to rule the country, either thasmeen is in opposition leader, in fact the country is ruled by both even now. Thasmeen is given body guards and public expense car part of this deal as a majourity leader, and thasmeen is given safe for not digging his corruptions. in fact though drp is opposition but the reality is its in fact a sister party of mdp with thasmeen. if gayoom do not create a public base now, gayoom will be behind bars without even legitimate case, in fact everyone who is a chellenge to anni's ambitious political 500 year rule dictatorship plan will be behind bars, but before that anni know international community will be upset of will pressure him, before that he became a puppet of western propaganda, and rothschild and isreal lobby, plus sold national assets to nearest india, now though with something he put these ppl behind bars, it will not be that much a problem for west.
It all well planed, first goverment let go 600 prisoners, and made them make everage man difficult to live in male' and islands due to crimes, police and govt just kept a silent eye on that, this create a big opportunity to make an emmergency law to deprive anybody with democratic rights guaranteed in new consitution. the idea is simple, to go back to square one, to have a sytem or power to arrest anybody anytime, without court or anybody telling anything, without even lawyers able to question. Did you get the idea
Now once this passed which is likely goin to get passed through thasmeen and mdp aligh, tomorow once all these criminals will be taken from street, these hired criminals will say they are funded by oppsotion yameen, qasim and gayyoom. soon these ppl will be hihind bars,
and anni know that once this ppl are behind bars even for few days, and if they could manage public outcry for sometimes, soon fear will spread like wild fire and everyone for their safetly will be silent in no time.
So back to old days, hail the king anni. he will win 99% just like gayoom or any other president do. its same old system, but this time its more dangerous, this guy is pshycho
in a not so related news, Mahlouf is making an iPhone app called "iDRP", says he will run this app over Thasmeen's @$$ just to remind him who the boss is. Yameen is thrilled and asked Mahlouf to develop it in such a way he can see Thasmeen's "leadership".
Meowmoon iz ze leader of ze partie aka zedey aka zztop
Morons, they are making themselves the laughing stock of the nation. WTF is Z-DRP? Why not form 26 factions, one for each letter of the alphabet. That way you'll have a little DRP for everyone! For example, I'd like to be in A-DRP.
If Gayyoom is so confident about his support base, why he don't go and form his own party without jeopardising DRP? Of course, he wants his family clan's claws all over any party he belongs to. Look at the front line of Z-DRP? If that's not a family run business, then I don't know what a family run business is!
Z-DRP is the one true DRP. Thasmeen is a heretic. All hail the Zaeem.
I think we are seeing Gayyoom playing his last card. The problem with Maumoon faction is that it is loosing publicity day by day due to Yameen factor.
Mr Gayoom must be sent to school in the United Kingdom preferably the same school where his arch-rival Mohamed Nasheed went. His old age must not be held against him. He must be given admission for the next academic year. He should get a scholarship because he is rather poor.
Those who think Moyamoon can come back and govern a country than they should take a step back and know that he can't even one put together his own party let alone a country. He is History and if he has one working cell left in his nut he should act like a Ex-leader and a statesmen who has rules a country for 3 decades.
Where are all these friends and colleagues of this joker Moyamoon, Its about time People like Fathuhala Jameel, Zahir Hussein, sat this Moyamoon butt some where and spoon fed some sense to the idiot, now that we know his in-laws, siblings and relatives are no help to him, at least his class mates should help this deranged peon.
Zed DRP is aka Dead DRP. 🙂
As you guys are so curious, we'll let you know. It's Zealot-DRP,(Z) and we're going to put a zealot as president, Yameen,(Y). Btw, we start from Z and go backwards, as Backwards is our motto. Dare to know who's X?
Crazy! Does anyone ever think that we're just 350,000 people thinking no end to ourselves while there are 6 billion more human beings?
I guess power is a stronger addictive than drugs.
Since u guys r curious: "Z"-DRP is Zealot-DRP; and we're going to put a zealot president, "Y"ameen. We start from Z and go backwards, as our motto is "Backwards". Wanna know who "X" is???
Why do we have to listen to all these bickering instead of some constructive thoughts/news?
there is one drp and nihan is its zaeem
This would be the beginning of the end for Gayyyom and his faction of idiots
Should have called it ZAP, Zaeem and Party. I would have joined.
Z-DRP??? is bad omen...the last letter in the alphabet. And when you ask a kid wot Z is for, he'd say that it is for Zebra...!!! a black-striped wild ass!!!
I don't think we need Anni to arrest any one. He can do it whenever he wants. I think the fact he had given the chance to Gayoom to reform, apologize and repent is over. It is time to take care of all elements who are disruptive, corrupt and power hungry.
This is so good for the healthy garden and branch management in particular. When all the koodi gathers together on just one branch, it is so much easier to clean it up for the good of the whole tree, well done Zzzzzzzz
Zee Drama channel dho?